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Meaning of the Name Kristy

The first name Kristy is of Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Christ-bearer

Similar Names

Khristo | Krist | Kirsty | Krista | Kriszta | Krysta |

Related Names

Christine  (Latin)
The One With the Christian Faith (Chris, Chrissy, Christy, Cris, Christine, Crissy, Kirsteen, Kris, Kristel, Kristeen, Kristine, Kristy, Tina)
Kristyne  (English)
Variant of Christine. Christian

Additional Names

Agosto | Adar | Draupnir | Caralisa | Casper | Torrey | Nisroch | Fell | Wolfric | Devany | Aubrianna | Zorah | Kalene | Niramitra | Ninette |