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Meaning of the Name Kyli

The first name Kyli is of Gaelic origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Gaelic: Feminine of Kyle

Similar Names

Kal | Kala | Kale | Kali | Kalie | Kalil | Kalli | Kele | Kelii | Kell |

Related Names

Kyla  (Gaelic)
Lovely (In Yiddish Royal Crown) (Kyle, Kylia)
Kylia  (American)
Narrow Land
Kylianne  (Gaelic)
Feminine of Kyle
Kylie  (Gaelic)
Feminine of Kyle
Kylie  (Australian)
From the Aboriginal Word for Boomerang
Kylie  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Narrow Land
Kylin  (Gaelic)
Feminine of Kyle
Raushan  (Muslim)
Skylight. Bright

Additional Names

Alana | Hrothbertina | Bedrich | Cailin | Chandler | Yashoda | Viviane | Gertrud | Dharithri | Caomhan | Lamonte | Makani | Epaphroditus | Bell | Kailan |