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Meaning of the Name Lachlan

The first name Lachlan is of Gaelic, Scottish, Celtic/Gaelic origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Gaelic: From the Land of Lakes
Scottish: War Like; Derived from the Gaelic Laochail
Scottish: Warlike. Land of Fjords (Referring to the Vikings). from the Land of Lakes
Celtic/Gaelic: From the Lake

Similar Names

Lachlann | Laochailan | Laughlin | Leachlainn | Lochlain | Lochlann |

Related Names

Lachina  (Scottish)
Land of the Lochs; a Feminine Form of Scottish Lachlan and Lachann (Land of the Lochs), Which are Derived from Lochlann, a Name That Originated As a Term Referring to Migrant Norwegians Who Came from
Lachlann  (Gaelic)
From Scandinavia
MacLachlan  (Scottish)
Son of Lachlan

Additional Names

Randolph | Hendrick | Branson | Hosanna | Ealuvig | Deke | Neda | Deacon | Deakin | Abdal Lafif | Faith | Noss | Averyl | Dorcas | Wallace |