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Meaning of the Name Lada

The first name Lada is of Slavic, Russian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Slavic: Goddess of Love and Fertility
Russian: Mythological Goddess of Beauty

Similar Names

Laadah | Lad | Ladd | Ladde | Lahad | Lod | Lud | Ludo | Lata | Leda |

Related Names

Baladan  (Biblical)
One Without Judgment
Baladan  (Biblical)
One Without Judgment
Berodach-baladan  (Biblical)
The Son of Death
Eiladar  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Penn Llarcan
Eladah  (Biblical)
The Eternity of God
Immaculada  (Spanish)
The Immaculate Conception
MacAladair  (Gaelic)
Son of Alasdair
Merodach-baladan  (Biblical)
Bitter Contrition, Without Judgment
Milada  (Czechoslovakian)
My Love
Moladah  (Biblical)
Birth, Generation
Moladah  (Biblical)
Birth, Generation
Solada  (Thai)
Vlada  (Russian)
Owner, Ruler (Vlastelina)

Additional Names

Samarajit | Damita | Rashmi | Condan | Aethelbert | Gilda | Bhasvah | Seriozha | Ithel | Dunton | Orville | Dulcina | Seamus | Tulasidas | Hurly |