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Meaning of the Name Lage

87 names found for "Lage"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Lage is of Swedish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Swedish: From the Sea

Similar Names

Lacey | Lach | Lache | Laci | Laco | Lacy | Laec | La'eeq | La'iq | Lais |

Related Names

Alton  (English)
From the Old Manor or Village
Balmoral  (Scottish)
From the Majestic Village
Bethanee  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethani  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethanie  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethann  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethany  (Hebrew)
Bethany Was a New Testament Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Frequently Used As a First Name in the Th Century
Brigg  (English)
Diminutive of Brigham: from the Village Near a Bridge
Briggs  (English)
Diminutive of Brigham: from the Village Near a Bridge
Brigham  (English)
From the Village Near a Bridge
Busby  (Norse)
Dwells at the Village
Busby  (Scottish)
Forest Village
Busbyr  (Norse)
Dwells at the Village
Buzz  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Village in the Woods
Colby  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Dark Village
Cunningham  (Gaelic)
Village That Has a Milk Pail
Danby  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Denby: Village in Denmark
Denholm  (Scottish)
Scottish Village
Derby  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Village of Danes
Eaton  (English)
From the Riverside Village
Eatun  (English)
From the Riverside Village
Elton  (English)
Of the Ancient Village
Granville  (French)
Large Village
Havoth-jair  (Biblical)
The Villages That Enlighten
Havoth-jair  (Biblical)
The Villages That Enlighten
Hazar-hatticon  (Biblical)
Middle Village, Preparation
Hazar-hatticon  (Biblical)
Middle Village, Preparation
Hazeroth  (Biblical)
Villages, Palaces
Hazeroth  (Biblical)
Villages, Palaces
Kerhy  (Teutonic)
From the Church Village
Kingston  (English)
From the King's Village or Estate 'King's Field.' King is One of Several Titles Occasionally Used As Given Names
Kirby  (Norse)
From the Church Farm/Village
Kirby  (Teutonic)
From the Church Village
Kirby  (Scandinavian)
Village With the Church
Kirby  (Norse)
Church Farm. Church Village
Kirkjabyr  (Norse)
From the Church Village
Lalage  (Greek)
Lalage  (Greek)
Babble. Verbose
Langston  (English)
Giant's Village (Lang, Langsdon, Landsden)
Lincoln  (Latin)
Village by the Lale
Mura  (Japanese)
Neville  (English)
New Village
Neville  (French)
Variant of Nevil: from the New Village. Originally a Surname, Since the Late Th Century Has Been Used Occasionally As a First Name. Famous Bearers: Novelist Nevil Shute
Paganus  (Latin)
Patton  (English)
Village of Warriors (Pat, Paton, Patten, Pattin)
Paxton  (Latin)
Village of Peace (Pax, Paxon, Packston, Paxten)
Payton  (English)
Village of the Warrior
Perizzites  (Biblical)
Dwelling in Villages
Perizzites  (Biblical)
Dwelling in Villages
87 names found for "Lage"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Hadiyyah | Stanfeld | Cai | Tommy | Simeon | Awinita | Kellen | Abagtha | Lukene | Hymeneus | Kamea | Tristen | Kelda | Devyn | Nairne |