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Meaning of the Name Laney

The first name Laney is of English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Path; Roadway. Variant of Surnames Lane and Laine

Similar Names

Laine | Lane | Lanny | Lanu | Lany | Layne | Leane | Lenny | Line | Lainey |

Related Names

Blaney  (English)
Variant of Blaine
Blaney  (Scottish)
Variant of Blaine
Delainey  (Irish)
Variant of Delaney: Competitor's Child; from the River Slaney
Delainy  (Irish)
Variant of Delaney: Competitor's Child; from the River Slaney
Delaney  (Irish)
Competitor's Child; from the River Slaney
Delaney  (French)
From the Elder Tree Grove
Delaney  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Enemy's Child
Delany  (Irish)
Variant of Delaney: Competitor's Child; from the River Slaney
Melaney  (Greek)

Additional Names

Mirari | Alvina | Marco | Else | Meshelemiah | Chadlai | Vaetilda | Meeghan | Vach | Addon | Damiane | Olof | Guillermo | Fontanne | Ilesh |