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Meaning of the Name Laren

The first name Laren is of Latin, Scottish origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Variant of Lawrence: of Laurentum. from the Place of the Laurel Leaves. Can Also Be Interpreted As the English Version of the Irish Name Lorcan: Fierce
Scottish: Serves Lawrence
Scottish: Serves Lawrence
Latin: Variant of Laura: Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree (Symbols of Honour and Victory)

Similar Names

Larin | Lauran | Laurean | Lauren | Lauryn | Lawron | Leron | Loran | Loren | Lorin |

Related Names

Accalia  (Latin)
Possibly from the Acca Larentia the Shewolf Who Nursed the Twins Remus and Romulus
Clair  (English)
Diminutive of Clarence: Clear
Clarance  (English)
Variant of Clarence: Clear
Clare  (English)
Diminutive of Clarence: Clear
Clarence  (Latin)
Bright or Famous, Ingenious, Enterprising, Impetuous
Clarence  (Latin)
Bright; Shining; Gentle
Clarence  (Latin)
Clear, Luminous
Clarence  (English)
From the Surname and Place Name Clare, Meaning Bright or Clear. Famous Bearers: George, Duke of Clarence, Brother of King Edward Iv and King Richard Iii, Who is Traditionally Believed to Have Drowned
Clarence  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' George Bevis. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' George, Son of Richard Plantagenet and Afterwards Duke of Clarence. 'King Richard Iii', George, Duke of Clarence, Brother to Edward Iv
Clarensis  (Latin)
Clarey  (English)
Diminutive of Clarence: Clear
Darence  (English)
Blend of Darell and Clarence
Darrance  (English)
Blend of Darell and Clarence
Darrence  (English)
Blend of Darell and Clarence
Derrance  (English)
Blend of Darell and Clarence
George  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' George Bevis. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' George, Son of Richard Plantagenet and Afterwards Duke of Clarence. 'King Richard Iii', George, Duke of Clarence, Brother to Edward Iv
Horner  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Duke of Clarence, Son to Henry Iv. 'King Henry Iv, Part ' Thomas Wart, a Country Soldier. 'Henry Vi, Part ' Thomas Horner, an Armourer
Larena  (Scottish)
Serves Lawrence
Larena  (English)
Variant of Loraine, Meaning from Lorraine
Larentia  (Latin)
The Shewolf Who Nursed Remus and Romulus
Larenzo  (German)
Form of Lawrence
Larenzo  (Latin)
Variant of Lawrence: of Laurentum. from the Place of the Laurel Leaves. Can Also Be Interpreted As the English Version of the Irish Name Lorcan: Fierce
Lovell  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Duke of Clarence, Son to Henry Iv. 'King Henry Iv, Part ' Thomas Wart, a Country Soldier. 'Henry Vi, Part ' Thomas Horner, an Armourer. 'King Henry the Eighth' Sir Thomas Lovell
MacLaren  (Scottish)
Son of Laren
Thomas  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Iv' Duke of Clarence. Thomas Wart, Country Soldier. 'Henry Vi' Thomas Horner, Armourer. 'Henry Viii' Sir Thomas Lovell. 'Measure for Measure' a Friar. 'King Henry Vi, Iii', 'Henry Viii' Duke of
Vaughan  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Iv' Duke of Clarence. Thomas Wart, Country Soldier. 'Henry Vi' Thomas Horner, Armourer. 'Henry Viii' Sir Thomas Lovell. 'Measure for Measure' a Friar. 'King Henry Vi, Iii', 'Henry Viii' Duke of
Warwick  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ', 'Henry V' and 'King Henry the Sixth, Part I, Ii and Iii' Earl of Warwick, One of the King's Party. 'King Richard Iii' Edward, Duke of Warwick, a Young Son of Clarence. 'King Ri

Additional Names

Alexa | Nabhendu | Hrapenly | Dunmor | Ananya | Fatinah | Kiley | Ketaki | Brendalynn | Ronnell | Devyna | Airell | Janica | Ming | Pampapati |