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Names That Mean Lari

123 names found for "Lari"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Lari? We couldn't find the exact name Lari, but listed below are some first names meaning Lari or names similar to the word Lari.

Similar Names

Lar | Larry | Larue | Laurie | Lauro | Lawrie | Lear | Leary | Leroi | Lir |

Related Names

Abe  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abraham: Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. Further Populariz
Abraham  (Hebrew)
Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. The Name Abraham Was Further Popularized
Alaric  (German)
Noble Ruler, Noble Ruler. Old German. King Alaric I Conquered Rome
Alaric  (Teutonic)
Universal Ruler
Alaric  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Alarik: Leader of All
Alaric  (German)
He Who Rules
Alarica  (Teutonic)
Universal Ruler
Alarica  (German)
All Ruler
Alarice  (German)
All Ruler
Alarice  (English)
Rules All. Feminine of Alaric
Alarice  (German)
Rules All. Feminine of Alaric
Alaricia  (Teutonic)
Universal Ruler
Alarick  (German)
Noble Leader
Alarico  (Spanish)
Rules All
Alarik  (German)
Noble Leader
Alarik  (Scandinavian)
Leader of All
Allaryce  (German)
Rules All. Feminine of Alaric
Allaryce  (English)
Rules All. Feminine of Alaric
Arviragus  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' Son to Cymbeline, Disguised Under the Name of Cadwal, a Supposed Son to Belarius
Ballari  (Hindu)
Walking Quietly
Beera  (Biblical)
A Well, Declaring
Belarius  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' a Banished Lord, Disguised Under the Name of Morgan
Bera  (Biblical)
A Well, Declaring
Bram  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abraham: Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. Further Populariz
Casey  (English)
From a Polish Word Meaning 'Proclamation of Peace.' a Diminutive of Casirnir, Cassandra, or Catherine. Popularized As a Boy's Name by the American Folk Song 'Casey Jones'
Clara  (Latin)
Clear (Claire, Clarice, Clarissa, Clairette, Clarinda)
Claressa  (English)
Variant of Claire or Clarice. Bright; Shining and Gentle; Famous
Clareta  (Latin)
Clarity or Distinguished
Claribel  (Latin)
Variant of Clara: from the Feminine Form of the Latin Adjective 'Clarus' Meaning Bright or Clear. Also Distinguished. Famous Bearer: Twelfth Century St Clare (Or Clara) of Assisi Founded the Poor Clar
Claribel  (English)
A Variant of the Latin Clara, Meaning Bright or Clear
Claribel  (French)
Claribel  (Latin)
Brightly Fair, Gay, Pleasure Loving, Talktive
Claribelle  (Latin)
Clarice  (English)
A Variant of the Latin Clara, Meaning Bright or Clear. Also a Variant of Claire or Clarice. Bright; Shining and Gentle; Famous
Clarice  (French)
Clarice  (Latin)
Variant of Clara: from the Feminine Form of the Latin Adjective 'Clarus' Meaning Bright or Clear. Also Distinguished
Clarice  (French)
Clear, Bright
Clariee  (Italian)
Clarimond  (German)
Brilliant Protectress
Clarimonda  (German)
Brilliant Protectress
Clarimonde  (German)
Brilliant Protectress
Clarimonde  (German)
Brilliant Protector
Clarinda  (English)
A Variant of Clara. The Name Clarinda Appears in Spenser's Th Century Poem 'The Faerie Queene'
Clarinda  (Spanish)
Clarinda  (French)
Clarinda  (Latin)
Variant of Clara: from the Feminine Form of the Latin Adjective 'Clarus' Meaning Bright or Clear. Also Distinguished
Clarinde  (Latin)
Clarine  (Latin)
Clarine  (Arthurian Legend)
Mother of Lancelot
Clarion  (Arthurian Legend)
Name of a King
123 names found for "Lari"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Pio | Njal | Adorabelle | Hoskuld | Godfrey | Nadette | Eulia | Bandhura | Jiro | Hadwin | Giollaruaidh | Larry | Morice | Keb | Albertina |