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Meaning of the Name Lauretta

The first name Lauretta is of English, Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: The Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory. Old Name With Many Variants
Latin: Variant of Laura: Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree (Symbols of Honour and Victory)

Similar Names

Lorette | Loretto | Laretta | Larette | Larita | Laurette | Laurita | Loreta | Loretta | L'Oretta |

Related Names

L'Oretta  (Hispanic)
Untainted (Loretta, Loret, Lauret, Lauretta, Lorette)

Additional Names

Prasanna | Nekoda | Blade | Dywel | Pesha | Addie | Eurypylus | Guadalupe | Warrick | Odila | Jorn | Chauncey | Jourdon | Bigthan | Imaran |