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Meaning of the Name Lavi

The first name Lavi is of Hebrew origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: Lion

Similar Names

Labib | Lapu | Lav | Lev | Levi | Levia | Liv | Livi | Livia | Livie |

Related Names

Bulat  (Russian)
An Old Slavic Name for Men. Bulat is a Metal Which is a Mixture of Iron and Bronze. Has a Connotation of Strength
Flavia  (Latin)
Variant of Flavian: Yellow-haired
Flavia  (Latin)
Golden Tresses (Flaviere, Flavyere)
Flavia  (Latin)
Derived from the Clan Name 'Flavius', Meaning Yellow, Chosen As a Reference to the Bearer's Hair Color
Flavia  (Italian)
Flavian  (Greek)
Yellow, Blonde
Flavian  (English)
Flavian  (Latin)
Flavien  (Latin)
Variant of Flavian: Yellow-haired
Flavio  (Italian)
Flavio  (Spanish)
Flavio  (Latin)
Variant of Flavian: Yellow-haired
Flavius  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' a Tribune. 'The Life of Timon of Athens' Steward to Timon
Jara  (Slavic)
Slavic for Spring
Lavena  (Latin)
Variant of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Lavina  (Spanish)
Derived from the Roman Given Name Levinia
Lavina  (Latin)
Variant of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Lavina  (Latin)
Woman of Rome
Lavinia  (Spanish)
Derived from the Roman Given Name Levinia
Lavinia  (Latin)
In Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Lavinia  (Latin)
Latin Woman
Lavinia  (Latin)
Roman, of Latium, Intelligent, Cheerful, Obstinate. (Lavina)
Lavinia  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus' Daughter to Titus Andronicus
Luba  ()
Love (From Yugoslavia)
Malavika  (Indian)
princess of Malawa
Malavika  (Hindu)
Princess of Malawa
Nijole  (Slavic)
Slavic Form of Nicole
Pallavi  (Indian)
New leaves
Pallavi  (Hindu)
New Leaves
Pallavi  (Hindu)
New Leaves
Slavik  (Russian)
Slavik  (Slavic)
Military Glory
Slavin  (Gaelic)
Stanislav  (Russian)
Stand of Glory (Stas,Slavik)
Tanis  (Slavic)
Spanish Abbreviation of Estanislao 'Make Famous' from the Name Borne by Several Slavic Kings and Three Saints
Tanis  (Spanish)
Spanish Abbreviation of Estanislao 'Make Famous' from the Name Borne by Several Slavic Kings and Three Saints
Vassily  (Slavic)
Slavic Form of Basil Kinglike
Vinnie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Vinny  (Latin)
Diminutive of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour

Additional Names

Stefan | Carlotta | Francia | Irmina | Marybell | Tanusree | Ingeborg | Shiphrah | Ituha | Nirjhar | Jacan | Gryne | Verdad | Sorina | Mustardseed |