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Meaning of the Name Lazarus

The first name Lazarus is of Biblical, Greek, Hebrew origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: Assistance of God
Greek: God is My Help. in the Bible, Lazarus Was Brother to Mary and Martha and Was Raised from the Dead After Four Days
Hebrew: God Will Help
Hebrew: God Will Help, Gracious, Kindly, Reserved, Shuns the Society of Others
Hebrew: Variant of Eleazar. God Will Help

Similar Names

Ligarius |

Related Names

Bethanee  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethani  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethanie  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethann  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethany  (Hebrew)
Bethany Was a New Testament Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Frequently Used As a First Name in the Th Century
Martha  (Aramaic)
Lady. in the Bible, Martha Was the Sister of Lazarus and Mary of Bethany and Known for Her Obsession With Housework

Additional Names

Gannon | Iren | Jafaru | Bhanuman | Brice | Orlan | Zarah | Okoth | Giah | Aquila | Amias | Xadrian | Eurus | Ranier | Titania |