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Meaning of the Name Lele

The first name Lele is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Loyal

Similar Names

Lael | Lal | Lali | Lalo | Lawe | Leal | Lee | Lehi | Leila | Lel |

Related Names

Acacia  (Greek)
Guileless. Honorable. Biblical; Acacia Wood Was Used to Build the Wilderness Tabernacle
Akakia  (Greek)
Anupama  (Hindu)
Unique, Unparalleled
Anupama  (Indian)
unique, unparalleled
Cacia  (Greek)
Abbreviation of Acacia Meaning 'Guileless
Caycee  (Greek)
Abbreviation of Acacia Meaning Guileless
Jehaleleel  (Biblical)
Praising God, Clearness of God
Jehaleleel  (Biblical)
Praising God, Clearness of God
Jehalelel  (Biblical)
Praising God, Clearness of God
Jehalelel  (Biblical)
Praising God, Clearness of God
Kuwanlelenta  (Native American)
To Make Beautiful Surroundings (Hopi)
Mahaleleel  (Biblical)
Praising God
Mahaleleel  (Biblical)
Praising God
Maleleel  (Biblical)
Praising God
Maleleel  (Biblical)
Praising God

Additional Names

Pascal | Biecaford | Saphala | Lacie | Armandek | Vigrid | Peredur | Lot | Denisc | Kaseko | Thorpe | Natine | Abdel Malik | Tomas | Dalila |