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Names That Mean Lene

173 names found for "Lene"   (page 4 of 4) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Looking for names that mean Lene? We couldn't find the exact name Lene, but listed below are some first names meaning Lene or names similar to the word Lene.

Similar Names

Laine | Lane | Lanu | Lany | Layne | Lean | Leane | Len | Lena | Lenn |

Related Names

Mary  (Hebrew)
Sympathetic (Mari, Marie, Maria, Marian, Marion, Mariann, Marilee, Marilyn, Marietta, Marlene, Marlena, Marline, Maureen, Maura, Nnoira, May, Mimi, Molly, Mollie)
Mary  (Hebrew)
Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots (-)
Maylene  (Latin)
Maia; the Month of May
Mitylene  (Biblical)
Purity, Cleansing, Press
Mitylene  (Biblical)
Purity, Cleansing, Press
Modlen  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Magdalene: Tower
Myrlene  (Latin)
Nolene  (English)
Feminine of Nolan 'Noble' or Variant Abbreviation of 'Fenella' from Fiona, Meaning Fair
Orlene  (French)
Orlene  (Latin)
Raelene  (Australian)
Blend of Rae (Short Form of Rachel: Ewe) and the Name Element -ene
Sakhaawat  (Muslim)
Variant of Sakhawat: Suppleness. Generosity
Sakhawat  (Muslim)
Suppleness. Generosity
Salene  (French)
Dignified One
Selene  (French)
Selene  (Greek)
Sharlene  (English)
Feminine Variant of Charles Meaning Manly
Sharlene  (French)
From the Name Charles
Shirley  (English)
Beautiful Meadow (Sherill, Sheryl, Shirleen, Shirlene)
Valene  (Latin)
Variant of Valentina: Strong
Yalene  (Greek)
Yulene  (Latin)
Yulene  (Basque)
Youth (Julene)

Additional Names

Sverting | Worcester | Archard | Algot | Amery | Margarita | Geranium | Amina | Shura | Inigo | Napolean | Gary | Nakeisha | Modesty | Tasleem |