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Meaning of the Name Leonato

The first name Leonato is of Shakespearean origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Shakespearean: 'Much Ado About Nothing' Governor of Messina

Similar Names

Leonid | Leonide | Lonato | Lenet | Leneta | Lenita | Leonda | Leonita | Lyonet |

Related Names

Beatrice  (Shakespearean)
'Much Ado About Nothing' Niece to Leonato
Hero  (Shakespearean)
'Much Ado About Nothing' Daughter to Leonato

Additional Names

Merrilee | Zedekiah | Godfrey | Yekaveer | Jensine | Verner | Maeko | Stacy | Connolly | Garvin | Hasadiah | Chess | Jilliann | Caliana | Ualtar |