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Meaning of the Name Lesley

The first name Lesley is of Celtic, Gaelic, English, Celtic/Gaelic, Scottish origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Celtic: From the Gray Fortress
Gaelic: From the Gray Fortress
English: Low Lying Meadow (Lee, Leigh, Leslie)
Celtic: From the Gray Fortress
Gaelic: From the Gray Fortress
Celtic/Gaelic: Grey Fortress
Scottish: Scottish Surname and Place Name

Similar Names

Leslie | Lisle | Leslee | Lesli |

Related Names

Les  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Lesley: Scottish Surname and Place Name
Lesli  (Celtic)
Gray Fortress (Leslie, Lesley, Leslyl
Leslie  (Celtic)
Gray Fortress (Lesley, Lesli, Lesly)
Wesley  (English)
From the Western Meadow. (Wellesley, Wes, Wesly). Origin: Old English

Additional Names

Shushanna | Conway | Barbara | Anthea | Waleis | Jeconiah | Tami | Nehushta | Payton | Ludim | Jazsmine | Kuonrada | Marni | Feeidha | Gwyndolyn |