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Meaning of the Name Lesli

The first name Lesli is of Celtic origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Celtic: Gray Fortress (Leslie, Lesley, Leslyl

Similar Names

Lesley | Leslie | Lisle | Leslee | Lezlie | Liesl | Liseli |

Related Names

Les  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Leslie: Scottish Surname and Place Name. from Leslie
Leslee  (Scottish)
Derived from Name of a Prominent Scottish Clan 'Leslie
Lesley  (English)
Low Lying Meadow (Lee, Leigh, Leslie)
Leslie  (Celtic)
From the Gray Fortress
Leslie  (Gaelic)
From the Gray Fortress
Leslie  (Scottish)
Guardian of Hollies or the Gray Fort; a Surname Taken from a Place Called Lesslyn in Aberdeenshire. The Name Might Be Derived from the Gaelic Elements Lios (Enclosure, Garden, Fort) and Chuillinn (A H
Leslie  (Scottish)
Scottish Surname and Place Name. from Leslie
Leslie  (Scottish)
Dwells at the Gray Fortress
Leslie  (Celtic)
From the Gray Fortress
Leslie  (Gaelic)
From the Gray Fortress
Leslie  (Celtic)
Gray Fortress (Lesley, Lesli, Lesly)
Leslie  (Celtic/Gaelic)

Additional Names

Margosha | Alika | Toibe | Adok | Saph | Akkub | Lilybeth | Karston | Hophin | Odin | Coralia | Lilka | Neta | Carlota | Anulekha |