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Meaning of the Name Lewi

The first name Lewi is of Hebrew origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: United

Similar Names

Lali | Law | Lawe | Leal | Lee | Lehi | Lel | Lele | Leo | Lew |

Related Names

Alevina  (Hawaiian)
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Alice  (English)
Of the Nobility. from the German Adalheidis Meaning Nobility, and the French Adeliz Which is a Form of Adelaide. Used in Britian; Alice Became Very Popular in When Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland W
Cherry  (English)
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Eloisa  (French)
Variant of Heloise: Derived from the Old German Name Helewidis, Meaning Hale and Wide. Also a French Form of Louise
Eloise  (German)
Derived from the Old German Name Helewidis, Meaning Hale and Wide
Helewidis  (German)
An Old German Name Meaning Hale and Wide
Helewise  (English)
A Variant of the Old German Name Helewidis, Meaning Hale and Wide
Heloise  (French)
Derived from the Old German Name Helewidis, Meaning Hale and Wide. Also a French Form of Louise
Jerry  (English)
A Diminutive of a Jeremiah, Jeremy, or Jerome, Also Used As an Independent Name. Also a Colloquial Term for a German Soldier. Famous Bearer: American Comedian-actor Jerry Lewis Was Born Joseph Levitch
Lew  (English)
Diminutive of Lewis: English Variant of the Franco-germanic Name Louis: Famous Warrior. in Wales, Sometimes Lewis is Used in Place of Llewellyn. Famous Bearer: Th Century Writer Lewis Carroll
Lewis  (French)
Variant of Louis: Famous Warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'. Aloysius is the Name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and Common Among British Roman Catholics
Lewis  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' the Dauphin. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Lewis Xi, King of France. 'King John' Lewis, the Dauphin
Lewis  (German)
Famous Warrior
Lewis  (Teutonic)
Famous War, Another Form is Louis, Heroic, Self-sacrificing
Lewis  (Teutonic)
Famous in War
Lewis  (English)
English Variant of the Franco-germanic Name Louis: Famous Warrior. in Wales, Sometimes Lewis is Used in Place of Llewellyn. Famous Bearer: Th Century Writer Lewis Carroll
Lewis  (English)
A Variant of Louis, Derived from the French Which Evolved from the Old French Loeis, a Name Derived from the Old High German Hluodowig, a Compound Name Composed of the Elements Hluod (Famous) and Wig
Lois  (French)
Variant of Heloise: Derived from the Old German Name Helewidis, Meaning Hale and Wide. Also a French Form of Louise
Louis  (German)
Glorious in Battle (Lew, Lewis, Leu, Luis)
Luthais  (Gaelic)
Famous Warrior; a Gaelic Form of Lewis. (Loo-ee)
Sinclair  (Scottish)
Bright; Clear. from Saint Clair Sur Elle. Famous Bearer: Writer Sinclair Lewis (-)

Additional Names

Sukarno | Ainsworth | Avrum | Prydwyn | Godfredo | Francine | Lynnea | Langundo | Nehushtan | Lisa | Augusta | Ami | Elka | Rusti | Udo |