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Meaning of the Name Liber

53 names found for "Liber"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Liber is of Latin origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Another Name for Dionysus

Similar Names

Libera | Libra |

Related Names

Aliberta  (Hispanic)
Brilliant (Alberto, Aliberto)
Aminadab  (Biblical)
My People are Liberal
Ammi-nadab  (Biblical)
My People are Liberal
Fayadh  (Muslim)
Variant of Fayyadh: Generous. Liberal
Fayyaadh  (Muslim)
Variant of Fayyadh: Generous. Liberal
Fayyadh  (Muslim)
Generous. Liberal
Filbert  (English)
Introduced to Britain During the Norman Conquest, from the Old German Filibert, Meaning Very Bright
Freedom  (English)
Freedom; Liberty
Fremont  (German)
Guardian of Liberty; Noble Protector
Fulbert  (English)
Introduced to Britain During the Norman Conquest, from the Old German Filibert, Meaning Very Bright
Fulhert  (German)
From the Old German Filibert, Meaning Very Bright
Hauran  (Biblical)
A Hole, Liberty, Whiteness
Hauran  (Biblical)
A Hole, Liberty, Whiteness
Hirah  (Biblical)
Liberty, Anger
Hirah  (Biblical)
Liberty, Anger
Horonites  (Biblical)
Men of Anger; or of Fury; or of Liberty
Hur  (Biblical)
Liberty, Whiteness, Hole
Huram  (Biblical)
Being Angry. Their Liberty, Their Whiteness, Their Hole
Huri  (Biblical)
Being Angry. Their Liberty, Their Whiteness, Their Hole
Jaraad  (Muslim)
Variant of Jarad: Locust. Liberal
Jarad  (Muslim)
Locust. Liberal
Jawaid  (Islamic)
Liberal, Generous, Destiny
Jehonadab  (Biblical)
Free Giver, Liberality
Jehonadab  (Biblical)
Who Gives Liberally. Free Giver, Liberality
Johanan  (Biblical)
Who is Liberal or Merciful
Jonadab  (Biblical)
Who Gives Liberally. Free Giver, Liberality
Jonadab  (Biblical)
Free Giver, Liberality
Libera  (Latin)
Libertas  (Latin)
Liberty  (English)
Liberty  (American)
Liberty  (Western)
Lisandra  (Greek)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander. Liberator. Feminine of Lysander
Lisandro  (Spanish)
Lissandra  (Greek)
Liberator. Feminine of Lysander
Lizandra  (Greek)
Liberator. Feminine of Lysander
Lizandra  (Greek)
Liberator. Feminine of Lysander
Lizann  (Greek)
Liberator. Feminine of Lysander
Lysander  (Latin)
Lysander  (Greek)
Liberator. Lysander is One of the Main Characters in Shakespeare's a Midsummer Night's Dream
Malcolm  (Celtic)
Servant of Columba, Liberal, Cultured, Sparkling
Palt el  (Hebrew)
God Liberates
Palti  (Hebrew)
God Liberates
Pekah  (Biblical)
He That Opens; That is at Liberty
Philibert  (French)
French Derivitive of the Old German Filibert, Meaning Very Bright. Famous Bearer: Th Century French Abbot St Philibert
Rehoboam  (Biblical)
Who Sets the People at Liberty
Sakhee  (Muslim)
Variant of Sakhi: Generous. Liberal
Sakhi  (Muslim)
Generous. Liberal
Swaraj  (Indian)
liberty, freedom
53 names found for "Liber"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

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