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Names That Mean Line

471 names found for "Line"   (page 2 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Line? We couldn't find the exact name Line, but listed below are some first names meaning Line or names similar to the word Line.

Similar Names

Laine | Lane | Lanu | Lany | Layne | Leane | Len | Lena | Lenn | Leone |

Related Names

Anitelu  (Polynesian)
Masculine; Manly
Apolline  (French)
Gift from Apollo
Appoline  (Greek)
Variant of Apollonia: of Apollo. St Apollonia Was a 3rd-century Martyr Who Had Her Own Teeth Knocked Out, Frequently Invoked Against Toothache
Aquiline  (Latin)
Arcenio  (Greek)
Virile; Masculine. St. Arsenius the Great Tutored Roman Emperor Theodosius' Sons. Actor/Television Personality Arsenio Hall
Arleen  (German)
Variant of Aline: Diminutive of Adeline, from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Arline  (English)
Variant of Carlene and Charlene
Arline  (Irish)
Arline  (French)
Derived from a Feminine Diminutive of Charles, Meaning Manly. A Medieval Given Name
Arline  (Celtic)
An Oath
Arviragus  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' Son to Cymbeline, Disguised Under the Name of Cadwal, a Supposed Son to Belarius
Asaf  (Muslim)
Variant of Aasaf: Clear. Lined Up
Aubrey  (Teutonic)
Elf Ruler, Disciplined, Impartial, Scrupulous
Aundray  (French)
Variant of Andre: Masculine; Manly; Brave
Aureline  (Latin)
Ava  (English)
Variant of Medieval Given Names Avis and Aveline
Ava  (Latin)
Variant of Eva: Living One. The Latin Form of the Hebrew Eve. Famous Bearers: Evangeline, Adolf Hitler's Mistress Eva Braun. in the Bible Eve Was Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Avah  (English)
Variant of Medieval Given Names Avis and Aveline
Avalee  (English)
Variant of Medieval Given Names Avis and Aveline
Avelina  (English)
Variant of Medieval Given Names Avis and Aveline
Aveline  (English)
Variant of Medieval Given Names Avis and Aveline
Aveline  (French)
Aveline  (French)
Avelyn  (English)
Variant of Medieval Given Names Avis and Aveline
Avlynn  (English)
Variant of Medieval Given Names Avis and Aveline
Baline  (Latin)
Strong and Healthy
Belarius  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' a Banished Lord, Disguised Under the Name of Morgan
Bhagyarekha  (Hindu)
Line of Good Luck
Brenda  (Norse)
Feminine Form of the Norse Masculine Name Brand, Meaning Sword or Torch
Brina  (Latin)
Boundry Line
Caius  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' Caius Lucius, General of the Roman Forces. 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' Caius Ligarius, a Conspirator Against Caesar. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' Doctor Caius, a French Physician. 'The
Camille  (French)
The French Form of Camilla or Camillus. Although Camille is Used As Both a Girl's and Boy's Name in France, Outside France it is Not Used As a Masculine Name. Famous Bearer: the Famous Greta Garbo Fil
Camillo  (Latin)
Free-born Child; Noble. Masculine of Camille
Camilo  (Latin)
Temple Servant. Also Free-born Child; Noble. Masculine of Camille
Camline  (Latin)
Caree  (English)
Abbreviation of Carol and Caroline from the Masculine Charles Meaning Manly
Carey  (English)
Abbreviation of Carol and Caroline from the Masculine Charles Meaning Manly
Carla  (Anglo Saxon)
Feminine Form of Charles (Carlotta, Karla, Caroline, Charlotte)
Carlota  (Spanish)
From the Name Charlotte or Caroline
Carmeline  (Hebrew)
Carol  (English)
A Feminine Form of Charles Meaning Strong or Manly. Also a Diminutive of Caroline. Also Used As the Feminine of Carl Meaning Joy
Carolina  (Italian)
Variant of Caroline: Strong. an Italian Feminine Form of Charles. Famous Bearer: Th Century Caroline of Ansbach Was the German Wife of English King George Ii. Lady Caroline Lamb Had a Famous Liaison W
Carolina  (Latin)
Strong. A Latinized Form of Caroline. Famous Bearer: the American States of North and South Carolina Were Named After British King Charles I
Caroline  (Italian)
Strong. an Italian Feminine Form of Charles. Famous Bearer: Th Century Caroline of Ansbach Was the German Wife of English King George Ii. Lady Caroline Lamb Had a Famous Liaison With Poet Lord Byron
Caroline  (French)
Song of Happiness
Caroline  (English)
Joy. Song of Happiness. Also Feminine Variant of Charles: Manly
Caroline  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Charles: Manly
Caroline  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Charles
Caroline  (Latin)
Beautiful Woman
Carolyn  (Italian)
Variant of Caroline: Strong. an Italian Feminine Form of Charles. Famous Bearer: Th Century Caroline of Ansbach Was the German Wife of English King George Ii. Lady Caroline Lamb Had a Famous Liaison W
471 names found for "Line"   (page 2 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Alexandre | Pello | Gaash | Bethany | Brian | Dubg | Hadar | Malia | Millie | Dwight | Nabhomani | Saumya | Bohdanko | Ebba | Delany |