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Names That Mean Lion

343 names found for "Lion"   (page 1 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking for names that mean Lion? We couldn't find the exact name Lion, but listed below are some first names meaning Lion or names similar to the word Lion.

Similar Names

Lean | Len | Lenn | Leon | Leone | Liam | Liana | Lin | Line | Linn |

Related Names

Abbas  (Arabic)
Stern; Lion
Abbas  (Muslim)
Description of a Lion
Aimilionia  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Ali  (Arabic)
Lion of God; Greatest. A Variant of Allah - the Supreme Being in the Muslim Faith
Alion  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Amialiona  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Areille  (Hebrew)
Lioness of God
Arel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ariel: Sprite; Lion of God. A Biblical Alternate Name for Jerusalem. Name of a Prankish Spirit in Shakespeare's the Tempest
Ari  (Hebrew)
Ari  (Hebrew)
Arial  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Ariel: Sprite; Lion of God. A Biblical Alternate Name for Jerusalem. Name of a Prankish Spirit in Shakespeare's the Tempest
Arie  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ari: Lion
Ariel  (Biblical)
Altar, Light or Lion of God
Ariel  (Hebrew)
God's Lion
Ariel  (Hebrew)
Sprite; Lion of God. A Biblical Alternate Name for Jerusalem. Name of a Prankish Spirit in Shakespeare's the Tempest
Ariel  (Biblical)
Altar, Light or Lion of God
Ariel  (Hebrew)
Lioness of God. Biblical Name for Jerusalem. Used by Shakespeare for a Mischevious Spirit in the Tempest
Ariel  (Hebrew)
Lion of God
Ariela  (Spanish)
Lion of God
Ariela  (Hebrew)
Lioness of God
Ariele  (French)
Lion of God
Ariella  (Hebrew)
Lion of God
Arielle  (French)
Lion of God
Arielle  (Hebrew)
Lion of God
Ariellel  (Hebrew)
Lioness of God
Arimathea  (Biblical)
A Lion Dead to the Lord
Arsalaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Arsalan: Lion. King of Jungle
Arsalan  (Muslim)
Lion. King of Jungle
Arye  (Hebrew)
Lion of God
Aryeh  (Hebrew)
Lion of God
Asad  (Arabic)
Fortunate; Lion
Asad  (Indian)
Asad  (Islamic)
Asad  (Muslim)
Lion. Leo
Athaleyah  (Hebrew)
Lioness of God
Auriel  (Hebrew)
Lion of God
Azmer  (Islamic)
Baabar  (Muslim)
Variant of Babar: Lion. King of Jungle
Babar  (Muslim)
Lion. King of Jungle
Babar  (Hindu)
Baber  (Hindu)
Variant of Babar: Lion
Benroy  (Hebrew)
Son of a Lion
Beth-lebaoth  (Biblical)
House of Lionesses
Beth-lebaoth  (Biblical)
House of Lionesses
Beth-nimrah  (Biblical)
House of Rebellion
Beth-nimrah  (Biblical)
House of Rebellion
Caer Llion  (Welsh)
From Caerleon
Chephirah  (Biblical)
A Little Lioness
Chilion  (Biblical)
Finished, Complete, Perfect
Cosimo  (Italian)
The Italion Form of the Greek Cosmo, Meaning Order. Famous Bearers - Several Members of the Medici Family Including Three Grand Dukes of Tuscany
343 names found for "Lion"   (page 1 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Sibby | Sarika | Bertilde | Maeko | Zidon | Darya | Mateo | Cantara | Mareshah | Otis | Stephen | Dyllon | Borden | Shalya | Lange |