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Names That Mean Llia

317 names found for "Llia"   (page 7 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking for names that mean Llia? We couldn't find the exact name Llia, but listed below are some first names meaning Llia or names similar to the word Llia.

Similar Names

Lali | Lalla | Leila | Li | Lia | La | Laila | Lala | Lalia | Lea |

Related Names

Williams  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Soldier in the King's Army
Williams  (German)
Resolute Protector; Will. Surname
Williams  (English)
Son of William
Williamson  (English)
Son of William
Willie  (German)
Diminutive of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Willis  (German)
Son of William
Willy  (English)
Diminutive of William or Any Names Begining With 'Will-' ; 'Resolute Protector; Will.'
Willy  (German)
Diminutive of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Wilma  (English)
Diminutive Form of Wilhelmina, a Feminine Variant of William
Wilma  (Dutch)
Resolute Protector. Feminine Variant of William
Wilma  (German)
'Resolute Protector.' Feminine Variant of William
Wilpert  (German)
Resolute or Brilliant
Wilson  (German)
Son of William
Zohar  (Hindu)
Light, Brilliance
Zula  (African)
Brilliant, Ahead
Zuleika  (Arabic)
Brilliant and Lovely
Zuleika  (Persian)
Brilliant Beauty. Famous Bearer: the Heroine in Byron's Poem 'The Bride of Abydos'

Additional Names

Mahrukh | Morgaine | Mihaly | Krikor | Yatima | Blaize | Aws | Rourke | Terryal | Britney | Geiri | Dell | Isa | Kevyn | Anna |