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Names That Mean Lore

190 names found for "Lore"   (page 2 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Lore? We couldn't find the exact name Lore, but listed below are some first names meaning Lore or names similar to the word Lore.

Similar Names

Lar | Larue | Lir | Lorah | Loria | Laire | Lara | Lari | Leora | Lera |

Related Names

Florence  (Shakespearean)
'All's Well That Ends Well.' Duke of Florence
Florence  (Arthurian Legend)
Son of Gawain
Florence  (Latin)
Prosperous, Flowering
Florence  (Latin)
From 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer: Florence Nightingale, Legendary Crimean War British Nurse
Florence  (English)
Florence  (Latin)
Flourishing, Cheery, Brave, Charming
Florencia  (Spanish)
Flowering. Blooming
Florent  (French)
Florentin  (Latin)
Florentina  (Italian)
Florentina  (Spanish)
Florentina  (Latin)
Florentine  (Latin)
Florentino  (Spanish)
Florentyn  (Latin)
Florentyna  (Latin)
Florenz  (French)
Variant of Florent: Flower
Florenza  (Italian)
Florenza  (Latin)
Floressa  (French)
Floretta  (Latin)
Variant of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. from 'Floris' Meaning Flower. Famous Bearers: Scottish Heroine Flora Macdonald Helped Bonnie Prince Charlie
Floretta  (French)
Florette  (Latin)
Variant of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. from 'Floris' Meaning Flower. Famous Bearers: Scottish Heroine Flora Macdonald Helped Bonnie Prince Charlie
Floria  (Basque)
Flower (Florella, Floris, Florica, Flori, Lore)
Florrie  (Latin)
From the Name Florence
Florrie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Floss  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Flossie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Flower  (Latin)
From the Name Florence
Floy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Flurry  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Gaenor  (Welsh)
Smooth, Light Colored
Hannelore  (German)
Ianthe  (Greek)
Violet, Colored Flower
Ianthe  (Greek)
Violet Colored Flower
Iola  (Greek)
Violet-colored Dawn. Sister of Iphitus
Iola  (Welsh)
Violet-colored Dawn
Joseph  (Hebrew)
May Jehovah Add/Give Increase. St Joseph of Arimathea Undertook the Burial of Jesus (In Holy Grail Lore). in the Bible Joseph Was Sold by His Brothers into Slavery and Later Rose to Become a Supreme P
Julius  (Greek)
Soft-colored Hair (Julian, Julien, Jules, Julio)
Koi  (Hawaiian)
Urge; Implore. Also the Hawaiian Equivalent of Troy
Kristofer  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
Kristofor  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
L'Oretta  (Hispanic)
Untainted (Loretta, Loret, Lauret, Lauretta, Lorette)
Laura  (Latin)
From Laurel Garland, the Ancient Roman Symbol of Victory (Lari, Laureen, Laurel, Lauren, Laurette, Lori, Loralie, Loren, Loretta, Loretee, Lorna, Loree, Lorie, Lorrie)
Laurentzi  (Basque)
Crowned With Laurel (Lauran, Lorentz, Loren)
Laverne  (English)
The Goddess of Thieves in Ancient Italian Lore
Lilith  (Hebrew)
Night Monster. Storm Goddess. in Jewish Folklore, Lilith Was a Female Demon and First Wife of Adam
Linus  (Latin)
Linus  (Latin)
Flaxen Colored
Lita  (Spanish)
Diminutive of Lolita: Diminutive of Dolores: Sorrow. from Maria De Los Dolores (The Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows). Famous Bearer: the Terrible Heroine of the Novel, Lolita , by Vladimir Nabokov
190 names found for "Lore"   (page 2 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Sid | Blakelie | Paton | Xing | Galahad | Cystenian | Odell | Xhosa | Cai | Coralyn | Lela | Morton | Amalure | Houston | Athelstan |