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Names That Mean Lori

234 names found for "Lori"   (page 5 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Looking for names that mean Lori? We couldn't find the exact name Lori, but listed below are some first names meaning Lori or names similar to the word Lori.

Similar Names

Lar | Leroi | Lir | Lorah | Loria | Lara | Lari | Laria | Lauri | Leora |

Related Names

Mohamad  (Arabic)
Variant Used for Mohammad - Founder of Islamic Religion. Praiseworthy; Glorified
Mohamed  (Arabic)
Variant Used for Mohammad - Founder of Islamic Religion. Praiseworthy; Glorified
Mohamet  (Arabic)
Variant Used for Mohammad - Founder of Islamic Religion. Praiseworthy; Glorified
Mohammad  (Arabic)
Praiseworthy; Glorified. Mohammad - Founder of the Islamic Religion. Many Names and Variants Used for Mohammad
Mohammed  (Arabic)
Variant Used for Mohammad - Founder of Islamic Religion. Praiseworthy; Glorified
Muhammad  (Arabic)
Variant Used for Mohammad - Founder of Islamic Religion. Praiseworthy; Glorified
Muhammed  (Arabic)
Variant Used for Mohammad - Founder of Islamic Religion. Praiseworthy; Glorified
Osmar  (English)
Divinely Glorious
Osmarr  (English)
Divinely Glorious
Oudsiyya  (Muslim)
Glorious. Holy
Perahta  (German)
Rajab  (Islamic)
To Glorify
Romelda  (Teutonic)
Glorified Battle Maiden
Romelde  (Teutonic)
Glorified Battle Maiden
Romhild  (German)
Glorious Battle Maiden
Romhilda  (German)
Glorious Battle Maiden
Romhilde  (German)
Glorious Battle Maiden
Romilda  (Teutonic)
Glorified Battle Maiden
Romilda  (German)
Glorious Battle Maiden
Romilde  (Teutonic)
Glorified Battle Maiden
Romilde  (German)
Glorious Battle Maiden
Ruomhildi  (German)
Glorious Battle Maiden
Sherard  (Anglo Saxon)
Of Glorious Valor
Stanislas  (Polish)
Glorious Camp
Stanislaus  (Polish)
Variant of Stanislas: Glorious Camp
Subhaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Subhan: Holy. Glorifying
Subhan  (Muslim)
Holy. Glorifying
Talori  (Hebrew)
Morning's Dew
Thorbert  (Teutonic)
Glorious As Thor
Thorbert  (Norse)
The Glorious Thor
Thorbiartl  (Norse)
The Glorious Thor
Torbert  (Teutonic)
Glorious As Thor
Valdislava  (Slavic)
Glorious Ruler
Valeska  (Slavic)
Glorious Ruler
234 names found for "Lori"   (page 5 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Additional Names

Arregaithel | Kasumii | Tanhumeth | Harbin | Almy | Mackenzie | Catheryn | Edwina | Liane | Manaba | Soredamors | Amari | Joel | Viet | Lorraine |