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Names That Mean Louis

62 names found for "Louis"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Louis? We couldn't find the exact name Louis, but listed below are some first names meaning Louis or names similar to the word Louis.

Similar Names

Lais | Lewis | Loki | Loukas | Loxias | Luis | Leis | Lilis | Lis | Loes |

Related Names

Ludo  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Ludovic: Derived from the Latinized Form of the Name Louis
Ludovic  (Scottish)
Derived from the Latinized Form of the Name Louis
Ludovic  (French)
Variant of Louis: Famous Warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'
Luella  (Spanish)
Feminine of Louis
Luigi  (Italian)
Renowned Fighter. Form of the French Louis
Luis  (Spanish)
Form of Louis
Luis  (Spanish)
From the Name Louis
Luisa  (Italian)
Italian Form of Louise: Reknowned Warrior
Luisa  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Louise: Famous in War
Luiza  (Spanish)
Feminine of Louis
Lulu  (Latin)
Diminutive of Louisa: Latin Feminine Form of Louis: Famous Warrior. Famous Bearer: Louisa M. Alcott, Who Wrote 'Little Women'
Lulu  (English)
Diminutive of Lucy: Variant of Lucia: Light. Pet Form of the Names Louise or Louella

Additional Names

Valgerd | Ghazaala | Vincens | Nanette | Lida | Belarius | Augustus | Frans | Kempe | Dearg | Janaan | Anna Perenna | Collis | Kayiyn | Ela |