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Meaning of the Name Madeleine

The first name Madeleine is of Hebrew, French origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: From the Tower
French: From the Name Madeline
French: Diminutive of Madeleine: Woman of Magdala. Tower

Similar Names

Madelon | Madailein | Madalen | Madalena | Madalene | Maddalene | Maddelena | Madelaine | Madeleina | Madelena |

Related Names

Madailein  (Irish)
Irish Form of Madeleine: Magnificent
Madalena  (Spanish)
Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Madalene  (French)
Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Madalynn  (Spanish)
Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Maddelena  (Italian)
Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Maddie  (French)
Diminutive of Madeleine: Woman of Magdala. Tower
Maddie  (English)
Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine. Madeleine
Maddy  (French)
Diminutive of Madeleine: Woman of Magdala. Tower
Madelena  (English)
Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine. Madeleine
Madelene  (English)
Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine. Madeleine
Madelina  (French)
Diminutive of Madeleine: Woman of Magdala. Tower
Madeline  (French)
Diminutive of Madeleine: Woman of Magdala. Tower
Madelon  (French)
Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Madelon  (French)
Diminutive of Madeleine: Woman of Magdala. Tower
Madelynn  (Spanish)
Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Madena  (Spanish)
Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Madia  (Spanish)
Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Madina  (Spanish)
Bitter; Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine
Maighdlin  (Irish)
Irish Form of Madeleine: Magnificent
Malena  (Scandinavian)
Woman from Magdala. Variant of Madeleine

Additional Names

Woods | Anita | Amogh | Philotus | Torquil | Secg | Doreen | Kai | Thronton | Leofric | Harimann | Dorothea | Bathsheba | Sandy | Peadar |