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Meaning of the Name Madison

The first name Madison is of Teutonic, English origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Teutonic: Son of Maud
English: Son of the Brave Soldier
English: Surname Derived from Matthew 'Gift of God' or from Matilda 'strong Fighter.'
English: Surname Derived from Matthew: (Gift of Jah) or Matilda: (Strong Fighter). The Mermaid Heroine of the Film 'splash. '
English: Son of Matthew

Similar Names

Maddocson | Matheson | Mattison |

Related Names

Mattison  (English)
The Same As Madison, But Could Be Named After a Father Named Matthew

Additional Names

Akil | Andriel | Escanor | Vaclar | Camshron | Kreeli | Ettare | Hemangini | Kiley | Arkhippos | Makalani | Cnut | Xhosa | Maj | Bryna |