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Names That Mean Mana

64 names found for "Mana"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Mana? We couldn't find the exact name Mana, but listed below are some first names meaning Mana or names similar to the word Mana.

Similar Names

Maai | Mahan | Mai | Ma'n | Manaen | Mane | Mani | Mann | Mannan | Manny |

Related Names

Proctor  (Latin)
Procurator  (Latin)
Roma  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Roman (Romaine, Romana, Remayne)
Romaana  (Muslim)
Variant of Romana: Romantic. Fascinating
Romana  (Muslim)
Romantic. Fascinating
Romana  (Spanish)
From Rome
Romana  (Latin)
From Rome
Romana  (French)
From Rome
Seiji  (Japanese)
Lawful; Manages Affairs of State
Sumana  (Hindu)
Sumana  (Hindu)
Good Natured
Sumana  (African)
Sumana  (Indian)
Good natured
Urmila  (Indian)
wife of Lakshmana

Additional Names

Adara | Nikki | Tipper | Marielly | Gwendolyn | Zdenek | Poul | Aysha | Felda | Holmstein | Cherethims | Griselda | Eshek | Lilian | Marisha |