Looking for names that mean Manly? We couldn't find the exact name Manly, but listed below are some first names meaning Manly or names similar to the word Manly.
Andrew(Scottish) Manly. from the Greek Andrew. Has Long Been a Popular Scottish Name, Because St. Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland After Whom the Town of St Andrews Was Named
Andrew(Greek) Manly. St Andrew, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, Later Became Patron Saint of Scotland. The Scottish City St Andrews is Named for Him. it Was in Frequent Use Throughout Britain During the Middle Ages
Andrew(English) Manly; Brave. in the Bible the First of the Twelve Apostles Chosen. Andrew is Patron Saint of Scotland and Russia. See Also Jedrick and Kendrick
Andrya(English) Feminine Form of Andrew: Brave; Manly. Famous Bearer: Prince Andrew
Andy(English) Diminutive of Andrew: Brave; Manly. Famous Bearer: Prince Andrew
Andy(Scottish) Diminutive of Andrew: Manly. from the Greek Andrew. Has Long Been a Popular Scottish Name, Because St. Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland After Whom the Town of St Andrews Was Named