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Meaning of the Name Marcel

The first name Marcel is of French, Latin origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: Form of the Latin Marcellus Meaning Hammer
Latin: Variant of Marcellus: Hammer; Warring
French: Young Warrior

Similar Names

Marcell | Marcello | Marcelo | Marcely | Markel | Markell | Marcail | Marcela | Marcella | Marcelle |

Related Names

Marceau  (French)
Form of the Latin Marcellus Meaning Hammer
Marcela  (Spanish)
Marcelina  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcelinda  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcelino  (Italian)
Form of the Latin Marcellus Meaning Hammer
Marcell  (Italian)
Form of the Latin Marcellus Meaning Hammer
Marcell  (Latin)
Marcella  (Scottish)
Derived from the French Marcelle, a Feminine Form of Marcel. Uncertain Derivation and Meaning. (Mar-seh-lah)
Marcella  (Latin)
Young Warrior
Marcella  (Teutonic)
Marcella  (French)
Marcella  (Latin)
Martial (Marcelle, Marceiline)
Marcella  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Marcellus: Hammer; Warring
Marcelle  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Marcellus: Hammer; Warring
Marcelle  (French)
Marcellia  (French)
Marcellin  (Latin)
Marcellina  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcelline  (Latin)
Marcello  (Latin)
Young Warrior
Marcello  (Italian)
Form of the Latin Marcellus Meaning Hammer
Marcellus  (Latin)
Young Warrior
Marcellus  (Latin)
Hammer. Also a Diminutive of Marcus: Mars (Roman God of War). A Family Name in Ancient Rome
Marcellus  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' an Officer
Marcelo  (Italian)
Form of the Latin Marcellus Meaning Hammer
Marcely  (Latin)
Marcelyn  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marci  (Latin)
Martial or War Like (Marcelle, Marcella, Marcie, Marsi, Marcey, Marceline)
Marciano  (Italian)
Form of the Latin Marcellus Meaning Hammer
Maricel  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Maricela  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Maricelia  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Maricella  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marisela  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marsaili  (Scottish)
A Pearl;A Gaelic Form of Margery, Which is a Variant of Margaret and Marcella, a French Name. Var: Marsail. (Mar-say-lee)

Additional Names

Shoda | Azizah | Dezmond | Doane | Reeve | Siegfried | Rehpaim | Iris | Vidal | Yaima | Ollie | Aslaug | Edina | Zena | Prembhari |