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Names That Mean Mari

340 names found for "Mari"   (page 5 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking for names that mean Mari? We couldn't find the exact name Mari, but listed below are some first names meaning Mari or names similar to the word Mari.

Similar Names

Mahir | Mamre | Mar | Mara | Mareo | Mariah | Mario | Maro | Maur | Maurio |

Related Names

Marin  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marin  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marina  (Scottish)
Anglicized Form of Mairi, Which is a Gaelic Form of Mary. (Mah-ree-nah)
Marina  (Russian)
From the Sea
Marina  (Slavic)
From the Sea
Marina  (Latin)
Of the Ocean and Sea
Marina  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marina  (Shakespearean)
'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' Daughter to Pericles and Thaisa
Marina  (Russian)
Sea-maid (Marinochka)
Marina  (Greek)
Marinda  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marine  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marinel  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marinella  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marinelle  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Mariner  (Celtic)
Lives by the Sea
Marini  (Swahili)
Fresh, Healthy and Pretty
Marinna  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marino  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marinochka  (Russian)
From the Sea
Marinos  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Mario  (Italian)
Mario  (Latin)
Variant of Marius: Hammer. Mars (Roman God of War). Also One of the Number of Masculine Variants of Mary That Can Be Attributed to the Virgin Mary
Mario  (Italian)
Mario  (Spanish)
Marion  (Latin)
Marion  (Hebrew)
From the Name Mary and Anna
Marion  (Scottish)
Diminutive Form of Marie, Which Has Been Derived from Mary. (Mare-ee-on)
Marion  (French)
From Mary(Nnarian, Maryon, Maryenn)
Marion  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Mariquita  (Spanish)
Marira  (Swedish)
Maris  (Greek)
Of the Sea
Maris  (Latin)
Of the Sea. Variant of Marie and Mary
Marisa  (Indian)
mother of Daksa
Marisa  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Marisa  (Latin)
Variant of Maria
Marisa  (English)
Variant of Maria
Marisa  (Latin)
Of the Sea
Marisa  (Hindu)
Mother of Daksa
Marisa  (Italian)
Longing for the Sea
Marisa  (Spanish)
Marisabel  (Latin)
Of the Sea. Variant of Marie and Mary
Marise  (Japanese)
Infinite; Endless
Marise  (Latin)
Variant of Maria
Marise  (English)
Variant of Maria
Marise  (Japanese)
Infinite; Endless
Marisela  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marisela  (Latin)
From the Sea
Marisha  (Russian)
340 names found for "Mari"   (page 5 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Stigols | Ernest | Rutherford | Darcy | Siraj | Neka | Hubert | Vicki | Karl | Anchises | Kenyon | Fabrizio | Gregor | Ashbel | Nyssa |