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Meaning of the Name Maribell

The first name Maribell is of Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Beautiful Marie. Blend of Mari and Belle

Similar Names

Maribelle | Marybell | Mariabella | Maribel | Maribella | Marvel | Marvela | Marvell | Marvella | Marvelle |

Related Names

Maribella  (Latin)
Beautiful Marie. Blend of Mari and Belle
Maribella  (Hebrew)
Maribelle  (Latin)
Beautiful Marie. Blend of Mari and Belle
Maribelle  (Latin)
Beautiful Marie. Blend of Mari and Belle
Maribelle  (Hebrew)

Additional Names

Neville | Lizzie | Cadwallon | Vaniah | Brondolf | Ishod | Carmen | Etlelooaat | Jehoadah | Orlege | Palmira | Ahlaam | Melusina | Lunece | Faryn |