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Meaning of the Name Marit

The first name Marit is of Aramaic origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Aramaic: Lady

Similar Names

Maarit | Maeret | Marid | Maroth | Marti | Marty | Marut | Maruti | Mort | Murid |

Related Names

Chad  (English)
Protector; Defender. English Form of a Welsh Name Meaning Battle or Warring. Famous Bearer: Th- Century Bishop St Chad Founded the Samaritans, a Charitable Organization Providing Service for the Suici
Chadd  (English)
Variant of Chad: Protector; Defender. English Form of a Welsh Name Meaning Battle or Warring. Famous Bearer: Th- Century Bishop St Chad Founded the Samaritans, a Charitable Organization Providing Serv
Maritza  (German)
'Of the Sea
Matti  (Aramaic)
Honored Lady; Variation of Martha (Marit, Marta, Marthe, Marite, Marti, Martyne, Mattie, Pat, Patty)

Additional Names

Evita | Amantha | Crom | Bhoomika | Fyfa | Weldon | Giancarlo | Kalie | Damian | Thimba | Baadi | Nolyn | Navaneet | Kome | Karlina |