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Meaning of the Name Maryjo

The first name Maryjo is of Hebrew, English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: Derived from Mary Bitter. Mary Was the Biblical Mother of Christ. Names Like Dolores and Mercedes Have Been Created to Express Aspects of Mary's Life and Worship
English: Derived from Mary, Meaning Bitter. Mary Was the Biblical Mother of Christ

Similar Names

Marcio | Marco | Margo | Marji | Marko | Mariko | Marja | Marjo | Marysa | Maryse |

Additional Names

Fynbar | Kithlish | Jeneen | Salima | Laurenne | Christa | Bassett | Umi | Salihah | Olethia | Kamille | Jack | Hannraoi | Katherine | Wendeline |