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Meaning of the Name Massa

The first name Massa is of Biblical origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: A Burden, Prophecy

Similar Names

Maks | Makya | Mansa | Masao | Mash | Maska | Masou | Massah | Mesha | Miksa |

Related Names

Anastasia  (Greek)
Resurrection. One Who Will Be Reborn. Famous Bearer: Martyr St Anastasia. Anastasia, Famous Daughter of Tsar Nicholas Li, Last Emperor of Russia, Who Many Believe Survived the Massacre of Her Family
Jotham  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is Perfect. May Jehovah Complete. in the Old Testament, Gideon's Youngest Son, Who Escaped the Massacre of His Seventy Brothers. Also a King of Judah During a Time of Military Strife
Massah  (Biblical)
Massah  (Biblical)
Stacy  (Greek)
Diminutive of Anastasia: Resurrection. One Who Will Be Reborn. Famous Bearer: Anastasia, Famous Daughter of Tsar Nicholas Li, Last Emperor of Russia, Who Many Believe Survived the Massacre of Her Fami

Additional Names

Ranolf | Virgena | Gautam | Megan | Jurgen | Walden | Jacquelyn | Jamielee | Myra | Drew | Varchas | Jovann | Vibeke | Merna | Nevins |