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Meaning of the Name Mathild

The first name Mathild is of Teutonic, German origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Teutonic: Battle Maiden
German: Mighty Battle Maiden

Similar Names

Maitilda | Maitilde | Mathilda | Mathilde | Matilda | Matilde | Metilda |

Related Names

Mada  (Irish)
From Mathilda
Mathilda  (Teutonic)
Battle Maiden
Mathilda  (German)
Might, Power
Mathilda  (German)
Mighty Battle Maiden
Mathilda  (French)
Strong in War. Strength for Battle
Mathilde  (Teutonic)
Battle Maiden
Mathilde  (Greek)
Brave in War
Mathilde  (French)
From the Name Matilda
Mathilde  (German)
Mighty Battle Maiden
Mathilde  (French)
Strong in War. Strength for Battle

Additional Names

Arlana | Jean Baptiste | Weylin | Christen | Mirai | Merle | Derval | Riva | Abdul Razaaq | Bezai | Bernardino | Nudar | Brier | Zeenat | Anish |