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Names That Mean Meadow

426 names found for "Meadow"   (page 3 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Meadow? We couldn't find the exact name Meadow, but listed below are some first names meaning Meadow or names similar to the word Meadow.

Similar Names

Mead | Meade |

Related Names

Brad  (English)
Broad Meadow
Bradleah  (English)
From Tbe Broad Meadow
Bradley  (English)
A Broad Lea, Meadow
Bradley  (English)
From the Broad Meadow
Bradly  (English)
From Tbe Broad Meadow
Braleah  (English)
From the Hillslope Meadow
Brawley  (English)
From the Hillslope Meadow
Bridgeley  (English)
Variant of Bridgely: from the Meadow Near the Bridge
Bridgely  (English)
From the Meadow Near the Bridge
Brinley  (English)
Burnt Meadow
Brockley  (English)
From the Badger Meadow
Brocleah  (English)
From Tbe Badger Meadow
Brocleigh  (English)
From the Badger Meadow
Brocly  (English)
From the Badger Meadow
Bromleah  (English)
From the Broom Covered Meadow
Bromleigh  (English)
From the Broom Covered Meadow
Bromley  (English)
From the Broom Covered Meadow
Bromly  (English)
From the Broom Covered Meadow
Bucklie  (English)
Variant of Buckley: Deer-grazing Meadow
Buckly  (English)
Variant of Buckley: Deer-grazing Meadow
Burhleag  (English)
Lives at the Castle's Meadow
Burleigh  (Teutonic)
From the Meadow by the Hill
Burleigh  (English)
Lives at the Castle's Meadow. Fortified. See Also Berlyn
Burley  (Teutonic)
From the Meadow by the Hill
Burley  (English)
Lives at the Castle's Meadow
Burly  (English)
Lives at the Castle's Meadow
Byreleah  (English)
From the Cattle Shed on the Meadow
Cimberleigh  (English)
From the Royal Meadow
Clover  (Anglo Saxon)
Meadow Flower (Clove, Clovis, Vera)
Clover  (English)
Meadow Flower
Clunainach  (Gaelic)
From the Meadow
Cluny  (Gaelic)
From the Meadow
Cluny  (Irish)
From the Meadow
Cranleah  (English)
From the Crane Meadow
Cranleigh  (English)
Variant of Cranley: Crane Meadow
Cranley  (English)
From the Crane Meadow
Cranly  (English)
From the Crane Meadow
Croslea  (English)
Variant of Crosley: Meadow With a Cross
Crosleah  (English)
From the Cross Meadow
Crosleigh  (English)
From the Cross Meadow
Crosley  (English)
From the Cross Meadow
Crosly  (English)
From the Cross Meadow
Crossley  (English)
Variant of Crosley: Meadow With a Cross
Cymberly  (English)
From the Royal Meadow
Cynburleigh  (English)
From the Royal Meadow
Cyneburhleah  (English)
From the Royal Meadow
Cyneleah  (English)
Lives in the Royal Meadow
Cyneley  (English)
Lives in the Royal Meadow
Dallas  (Scottish)
From the Dales; the Valley Meadows. Name of a Texas City
Dallis  (Scottish)
From the Dales; the Valley Meadows
426 names found for "Meadow"   (page 3 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Gizur | Humility | Haripriya | Kiran | Desideria | Hal | Yoonus | Nabihah | Zemira | Essie | Schaaph | Jivanta | Anguysh | Kizzy | Ansleigh |