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Meaning of the Name Meara

The first name Meara is of Irish, Celtic/Gaelic origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Irish: Happy
Celtic/Gaelic: Filled With Mirth
Irish: Merry

Similar Names

Mar | Mara | Maro | Mearah | Meer | Meir | Merari | Merry | Myra | Maera |

Related Names

Mearah  (Hebrew)
Cave, or Entrance to the Goddess
Mearah  (Biblical)
Den, Cave, Making Empty
Mearah  (Biblical)
Den, Cave, Making Empty

Additional Names

Petrine | Kestorr | Purity | Archer | Hydd | Jaeson | Hartford | Arlen | Gavriel | Magnilda | Aman | Shur | Yoshi | Ash | Dominic |