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Meaning of the Name Melise

The first name Melise is of Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Bee. Famous Bearer: Melissa, Mythological Princess of Crete Transformed to a Bee After Learning to Collect Honey

Similar Names

Maelisa | Malise | Meliza | Melisa | Melisha | Melissa | Melisse | Mellisa | Melosa | Mliss |

Related Names

Melisenda  (Hispanic)
Honest, Diligent
Melisenda  (Spanish)

Additional Names

Monet | Sinnoch | Tomas | Meonenim | Ishmachiah | Darvell | Onofre | Feoras | Freyr | Raymond | Zidkijah | Jordanne | Deoiridh | Lynessa | Anrid |