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Meaning of the Name Mert

The first name Mert is of Egyptian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Egyptian: Lover of Silence

Similar Names

Maeret | Marti | Marty | Marut | Mered | Mort | Morty | Marit | Marta | Merta |

Related Names

Mert ekert  (Egyptian)
Lover of Silence
Merta  (Latin)
Merta  (Greek)
Merte  (Latin)
Mertice  (English)
Mertise  (English)
Merton  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Farm by the Sea
Merton  (English)
Settlement by a Lake. from the Estate by the Lake
Merton  (English)
Town Near the Pond
Mertysa  (English)
Somerton  (English)
From the Summer Estate
Sumerton  (English)
From the Summer Estate
Sumertun  (English)
From the Summer Estate

Additional Names

Zaafir | Lorn | Alddes | Ulka | Ghalib | Johanna | Hubert | Agrafina | Bregus | Maia | Mika | Marco | Lily | Cesario | Apharsites |