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Meaning of the Name Metta

The first name Metta is of Scandinavian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scandinavian: From Margareta, Pearl

Similar Names

Mamta | Mata | Matt | Matty | Media | Mette | Muata | Muta | Mutaa | Matea |

Related Names

Ametta  (English)
Modern Variant of Amold
Fiammetta  (Italian)
A Flickering Fire
Metta-lise  (Danish)
Consecrated to God
Mettabel  (Hebrew)
God's Favor
Mettalise  (Danish)
Graceful Pearl

Additional Names

Valentina | Elden | Swati | Gin | Brently | Margie | Zulima | Corinthia | Barbi | Rakel | Loring | Kathleena | Nauroz | Angela | Butrus |