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Meaning of the Name Michaela

The first name Michaela is of Celtic/Gaelic, Hebrew, English, Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Celtic/Gaelic: Feminine Form of Michael
Hebrew: Feminine Form of Michael: Who is Like God? Gift from God. in the Bible, St. Michael Was the Conqueror of Satan and Patron Saint of Soldiers
English: Feminine of Michael, Meaning Gift from God
Latin: Feminine of Michael: Gift from God

Similar Names

Maichail | Michael | Michail | Michal | Micheal | Micheil | Michel | Michele | Mikael | Mikayla |

Related Names

Lorenzo  (Spanish)
Laurence: from the Place of Laurel Trees. Lorenzo Was the Name of Jessica's Lover in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'. Lorenzo De' Medici Was a Patron of Michaelangelo and Da Vinci
Macayle  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Form of Michaela
Michelle  (French)
Feminine of Michael (Mia, Micheline, Micky, Mickey, Micki, Michaela)
Mika  (Latin)
Abbreviation of Michaela; Micaela; Mikaela; Mikayla; Mychaela; Mikella. Feminine of Michael: Gift from God
Mika  (English)
Abbreviation of Michaela;Micaela; Mikaela; Mikayla; Mychaela; Mikella. Feminine of Michael. Meaning Gift from God
Mikki  (Latin)
Abbreviation of Michaela; Micaela; Mikaela; Mikayla; Mychaela; Mikella. Feminine of Michael: Gift from God
Mikki  (English)
Abbreviation of Michaela;Micaela; Mikaela; Mikayla; Mychaela; Mikella. Feminine of Michael, Meaning Gift from God
Mikko  (Latin)
Abbreviation of Michaela; Micaela; Mikaela; Mikayla; Mychaela; Mikella. Feminine of Michael: Gift from God
Mikko  (English)
Abbreviation of Michaela;Micaela; Mikaela; Mikayla; Mychaela; Mikella. Feminine of Michael, Meaning Gift from God

Additional Names

Rochelle | Humberto | Sashreek | Agnella | Natashia | Bruno | Manya | Elsa | Mitcbel | Cairo | Candice | Cayla | Arion | Anaxarete | Beceere |