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Meaning of the Name Michal

The first name Michal is of Polish, Hebrew, Biblical origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Polish: Form of Michael 'Who is Like God?'
Hebrew: Who is Like God? Feminine of Michael. Biblical Michal Was King Saul's Daughter and First Wife of David
Biblical: Who is Perfect?

Similar Names

Maichail | Mashal | Michael | Michail | Micheal | Micheil | Michel | Michele | Mikhael | Mikhail |

Related Names

Mia  (Israeli)
Feminine Abbreviation of Michal
Mical  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michal: Who is Like God?
Michaeline  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michal: Who is Like God?
Michaelyn  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michal: Who is Like God?
Michalin  (Hebrew)
Close to God
Micole  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michal: Who is Like God?
Mychal  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michal: Who is Like God?

Additional Names

Maleah | Penelope | Triton | Goran | Allegra | Romano | Carew | Demetrius | Calder | Anjanique | Hugh | Eileen | Raajih | Iago | Florence |