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Names That Mean Mila

60 names found for "Mila"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Mila? We couldn't find the exact name Mila, but listed below are some first names meaning Mila or names similar to the word Mila.

Similar Names

Maile | Mal | Malo | Maula | Mel | Mele | Melea | Mil | Millo | Milo |

Related Names

Nazeer  (Muslim)
Variant of Nazir: Similar. Comparable
Nazir  (Muslim)
Similar. Comparable
Premila  (Hindu)
Queen of a Women's Kingdom
Prospero  (Shakespearean)
'The Tempest' the Rightful Duke of Milan
Sharmila  (Hindu)
Sharmila  (Indian)
Urmila  (Hindu)
Wife of Lakshman
Urmila  (Indian)
wife of Lakshmana
Wemilat  (Native American)
Of Wealthy Parents
Zemila  (Hebrew)
Joyous Melody

Additional Names

Aubrianne | Kaelin | Eshean | Deon | Firdoze | Sarfaraaz | Siloam | Alvin | Dorran | Fernande | Reed | Drue | Eadwine | Munawwara | Marylynn |