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Names That Mean Mine

202 names found for "Mine"   (page 2 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Looking for names that mean Mine? We couldn't find the exact name Mine, but listed below are some first names meaning Mine or names similar to the word Mine.

Similar Names

Ma'n | Mane | Mani | Mann | Mano | Manu | Mayne | Meino | Mene | Menw |

Related Names

Ernest  (English)
Serious; Determined
Ernesta  (Spanish)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernestina  (German)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernestina  (Latin)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernestine  (English)
Feminine Form of Earnest: a Variant Spelling of the German Earnest, Meaning Serious Determined, Earnestness or Vigor, from the Old German Ernust. Famous Bearer: the Hero of Oscar Wilde's Comedy 'The I
Ernestine  (German)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernestine  (Latin)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernesto  (Spanish)
Serious; Determined
Faaghira  (Muslim)
Variant of Faghira: Jasmine Flower
Faghira  (Muslim)
Jasmine Flower
Fellah  (Muslim)
Arabian Jasmine
Fitch  (English)
Ermine (Ferret-like Mammal)
Fitche  (English)
Fytch  (English)
Gelsey  (Italian)
Gelsey  (English)
Gelsomina  (Danish)
Gulielma  (Italian)
An Italian Feminine Form of William, Meaning Resolute or Determined Protector
Hatim  (Islamic)
Hermione  (Greek)
Of Hermes, Determined, Elegant, Tender
Howel  (Welsh)
Variant of Hywel: Eminent. Attentive
Howell  (Welsh)
Variant of Hywel: Eminent. Attentive
Hywel  (Welsh)
Irmine  (Latin)
Irmine  (German)
War Goddess
Jacob  (Biblical)
That Supplants, Undermines, the Heel
Jael  (Hebrew)
Jaella  (Arabic)
James  (Biblical)
That Supplants, Undermines, the Heel
Jaslynn  (English)
Modern Variant of Jasmine; Combination of Jocelyn and the Musical Term 'Jazz. '
Jasmeen  (French)
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jasmeen  (Arabic)
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jasmin  (French)
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jasmin  (French)
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jasmin  (Arabic)
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jasmine  (Persian)
From the Name of the Flower, Jasmine
Jasmine  (Persian)
Jasmine  (Persian)
Flower (Ina, Jasmin, Jasmina, Jess, Jessamine, Jessamyn, Jessie, Yasmeen, Yasmine)
Jasmine  (Persian)
A Flower in the Olive Family
Jasmyne  (French)
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jasmyne  (Arabic)
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jazlyn  (English)
Modern Variant of Jasmine; Combination of Jocelyn and the Musical Term Jazz
Jazlynn  (English)
Modern Variant of Jasmine; Combination of Jocelyn and the Musical Term Jazz
Jazlynn  (American)
From Jasmine and Lynn
Jazmaine  (English)
Modern Variant of Jasmine; Combination of Jocelyn and the Musical Term Jazz
Jazmina  (English)
Modern Variant of Jasmine; Combination of Jocelyn and the Musical Term 'Jazz.'
Jazmina  (English)
Modern Variant of Jasmine; Combination of Jocelyn and the Musical Term Jazz
Jazmine  (French)
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jazmine  (Arabic)
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jazmyn  (Spanish)
Same As 'Jasmine'
202 names found for "Mine"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Elise | Jed | Zo | Collin | Sameel | Vanny | Sean | Brychan | Ishaq | Basile | Amandla | Heortwode | Carolo | Gusta | Chisholm |