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Meaning of the Name Miriam

The first name Miriam is of Armenian, Hebrew, Biblical origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Armenian: Biblical Name Meaning Rebellious
Hebrew: Bitter (Mitzie, Mary)
Hebrew: Mistress of the Sea
Biblical: Rebellion
Hebrew: Rebellious. in the Old Testament, Miriam Was the Sister of Moses and Aaron

Similar Names

Maram | Mariam | Marian | Maryam | Miriana | Mirna | Myriam |

Related Names

Mamie  (English)
Abbreviation of Mary and Miriam. Also a Diminutive of Any Feminine Name Beginning With M. Also Used As an Independent Name in the Usa
Mary  (English)
Bitter. Variant of Miriam. The Biblical Mother of Christ. Names Like Dolores and Mercedes Have Been Created to Express Aspects of Mary's Life and Worship
Mayme  (English)
Abbreviation of Mary and Miriam
Mijam  (Finnish)
Finnish Form of Miriam
Miri  (Hebrew)
Bitter, Variation of Miriam (Mimi, Minni, Minnie, Mitzi)
Myriam  (Hebrew)
Ancient Version of Mary. in the Bible Miriam Sister of Moses Saved His Life When She Hid Infant Moses in a Basket Among the Rushes at the River's Edge for Pharaoh's Daughter to Find

Additional Names

Ops | Bidina | Godewyn | Behemoth | Ashvaghosha | Avah | Anakelea | Cuthbeorht | Angie | Philippe | Keril | Ros | Mischa | Raman | Leontina |