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Meaning of the Name Misti

The first name Misti is of English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Misty

Similar Names

Mistie | Mukti | Mista | Misty | Mysti |

Related Names

Abraham  (Hebrew)
Father of Multitude, Serious-minded, Pessimistic, Affectionate,
Alphonso  (Teutonic)
Eager for Battle,Enthusiastic,Muddle-headed, Optimistic
Conrad  (Teutonic)
Optimistic, Resolute
Dennis  (Greek)
A Worshipper (In French - Wild and Crazy),Of Dionysius, Other Forms are Denis, Denys, Calm, Thoughtful, Optimistic
Eulelia  (Greek)
Fair Speech, Coquettish, Not Very Sensitive, Optimistic
Hope  (Anglo Saxon)
Optimistic, Full of Hope, Virtue
Jabez  (Hebrew)
Sorrow, Pessimistic, Hard-working, Tolerant
Mistico  (Italian)
Mistie  (English)
Mistie  (English)
Mistique  (French)
Air of Mystery
Mystique  (French)
Intriguing (Mystica, Misty, Mistigue)
Olga  (Teutonic)
Holy, Alert, Sentimental, Optimistic. She is Very Lucky in All Her Affairs

Additional Names

Jani | Crowley | Luella | Hilma | Courtlandt | Demetrio | Queenie | Guinevere | Naavah | Idone | Basim | Tethys | Brewer | Burke | Rezi |