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Meaning of the Name Mitra

The first name Mitra is of Indian, Persian origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Indian: God of the Sun
Persian: Angel's Name

Similar Names

Matri | Matro | Mithra | Madra | Mytra |

Related Names

Demetra  (Greek)
Goddess of the Harvest (Demi, Demitra, Dimitra)
Demitra  (Greek)
Of Demeter. Demetria Was the Mythological Goddess of Corn and Harvest
Demitras  (Greek)
Of Demeter. Demetria Was the Mythological Goddess of Corn and Harvest
Dimitra  (Russian)
From Demeter
Dimitrios  (Greek)
Son of Goddess Dimitra (Ancient Greece)
Gadhi  (Indian)
Father of Vishvamitra
Niramitra  (Indian)
son of pandava Sahadeva
Purumitra  (Indian)
friend of city
Sumitra  (Hindu)
Good Friend
Sumitra  (Hindu)
Lakshman's Mother
Vishwamitra  (Hindu)
Friend of All
Vishwamitra  (Indian)
friend of the universe

Additional Names

Smita | Uaid | Jordain | Motka | Ardara | Deo | Eberhardt | Aries | Thaddeus | Koenraad | Audolf | Maisie | Kade | Aislinn | Caiseal |