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Names That Mean Moon

236 names found for "Moon"   (page 5 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Looking for names that mean Moon? We couldn't find the exact name Moon, but listed below are some first names meaning Moon or names similar to the word Moon.

Similar Names

Mahon | Ma'n | Mann | Maon | Maona | Min | Mio | Moe | Mohan | Mona |

Related Names

Selia  (Greek)
Selina  (Greek)
Moon Goddess
Selina  (Greek)
Selina  (Greek)
Moon, Gentle, Yielding, Wistful
Shashank  (Indian)
Shashee  (Indian)
Shashi  (Indian)
Shashi  (Hindu)
Shashikant  (Indian)
moon stone
Shashikiran  (Hindu)
Moon Light
Shiva  (Indian)
God of the Moon
Sohalia  (Hindu)
Moon Glow
Soma  (Hindu)
Somatra  (Hindu)
Excelling the Moon
Somatra  (Indian)
Excelling the moon/font>
Starveling  (Shakespearean)
'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Starveling, a Tailor, Acts As Moonshine in the Play Within the Play
Sudhanssu  (Indian)
Taigi  (Native American)
Returning New Moon
Taini  (Native American)
Coming New Moon
Taini  (Native American)
Returning Moon
Taranath  (Hindu)
King of Moon
Teah  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun; Moon and Dawn
Thea  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also As Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun, Moon and Dawn
Thoth  (Egyptian)
God of the Moon
Tia  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun; Moon and Dawn
Tiah  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun; Moon and Dawn
Tungesh  (Indian)
Udayachandra  (Hindu)
Rising Moon
Udup  (Hindu)
Moon Light
Vidula  (Hindu)
Vidula  (Indian)
Virochan  (Indian)
moon, fire
Wyoh  (English)
From the Us State Name Wyoming. Famous Bearer: Wyoming Knott, Character in Robert Heinlein's 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'
Wyoming  (English)
From the Us State Name Wyoming. Famous Bearer: Wyoming Knott, Character in Robert Heinlein's 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'
Yaminichandra  (Hindu)
Night Moon
Yue  (Chinese)
236 names found for "Moon"   (page 5 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Mosi | Yashaswini | Davonna | Lombard | Deegan | Eleonora | Nora | Katy | Ziklag | Runcina | Varek | Phineus | Peisistratus | Mirabel | Vifil |