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Names That Mean Moor

80 names found for "Moor"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Moor? We couldn't find the exact name Moor, but listed below are some first names meaning Moor or names similar to the word Moor.

Similar Names

Mar | Maur | Mayor | Meer | Meir | Mir | Moore | More | Muir | Myer |

Related Names

More  (English)
From the Moors
Moreland  (English)
From the Moors
Moreley  (English)
From the Meadow on the Moor
Morell  (French)
Dark One; the Moor
Moricz  (Hungarian)
Moriz  (Russian)
Morlee  (English)
From the Meadow on the Moor
Morley  (English)
Of the Moor
Morly  (English)
From the Meadow on the Moor
Morrey  (English)
Dark-skinned. A Moor. Form of Maurice
Morrie  (English)
Dark-skinned. A Moor. Form of Maurice
Morrie  (American)
Morris  (Latin)
Variant of Maurice: Moorish; Dark-skinned; Swarthy
Morrison  (English)
Dark-skinned. A Moor. Form of Maurice
Morse  (English)
Of the Moors
Morse  (English)
Dark-skinned. A Moor. Form of Maurice
Mort  (English)
Morton  (English)
Town on the Moor
Morton  (English)
From the Town Near the Moor
Morton  (English)
From the Farm Near the Moor
Muir  (Scottish)
From the Moor
Muira  (Scottish)
From the Moor
Muire  (Scottish)
Bitter or from the Moor
Muireach  (Gaelic)
Murdag  (Scottish)
Sea Warrior; a Feminine Form of Murchadh. Variations: Murdann, Murdina. Short Forms: Dina, Ina. (Moor-dah)
Myrick  (Welsh)
Dark-skinned; a Moor. Form of Maurice
Othello  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Othello, Moor of Venice' Othello, the Moor, General of the Venetian Forces
Tariq  (Arabic)
Morning Star. an Th Century Islamic Military Leader Who Conquered Spain for the Moors
Whitmoor  (English)
From the White Moor
Whitmore  (English)
From the White Moor

Additional Names

Amory | Sagwau | Amadeo | Jullien | Antoniy | Maarath | Clementina | Mike | Lia | Keaghan | Ionanna | Africa | Whitmoor | Josephina | Gutka |