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Meaning of the Name Morgana

The first name Morgana is of Celtic, Arthurian Legend, Welsh origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Celtic: Dweller of the Sea
Arthurian Legend: Enchantress Half Sister of Arthur
Welsh: From the Shore of the Sea
Welsh: Sea's Edge (Morgan, Morganne)
Welsh: Seashore

Similar Names

Marcena | Marjan | Marsena | Mercina | Morcan | Morgan | Morgen | Morgaine | Morgane | Morgann |

Additional Names

Zaafir | Dirk | Lorenza | Curtice | Charlot | Somerset | Theresa | Brighton | Aloise | Ranice | Hapi | Rai | Hristun | Ashishishe | Helenka |